Monday, May 9, 2011

Fishing Joy

Fishing Joy

For: iPad/iPod

Fishing Joy is a game that is based on Fishing.  But unlike fishing in real life (haha) its incredibaly addictive.  I like this game because it kind of reminds me of being at the casino.  The game starts out looking down at an ocean and slowly but surely, fish start appearing.  The main objective is to catch as many of these fish as possible.  The fish come in many different sizes and colors, and catching them is how you gain the points.  You don't use a fishing rod in this game. Instead, you used nets!  The nets are cast from the bottom of the screen and they come in 7 different sizes.  As you cast a net, the object is to catch as many as possible because that is how you gain the money you need to cast them.  Say you use the 3rd net.  This costs 3 coins.  If you cast this and you miss, or catch fish that equal less than 3, you are losing money.  There is a graph on the menu where you can see what fish equal the least and most amount of money.  The biggest fish in the game is the shark.  The only way you can catch the shark is shooting it with the laser specialty.  The only thing bad about this game is how that is the ONLY special weapon in the game and also, how long it takes to be able to use it.  It clears out the sharks along with everything in its path.  The levels go buy how many fish you catch.  At the end of every level though, you get a bonus round where catching fish is extremely easier. The sounds and the music go really well together, and its sort of like being at a casino by the way the points go and the money noises.  This game is good when your bored, because its time consuming and addictive. Id say the only bad thing would be how long it takes to advance (and the laser thing).

Here are some pictures from the game:

                                                                   The games' icon

                                                                  iPod Screen

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Dead Space HD

Dead Space HD

For: iPad/iPod (non HD)

You probably know Dead Space as a popular platform game on xBox, Ps3 and PC. But now, its on the iPad! This game was recently new within the past few months and the starting price was $9.99. I decided to wait until a sale went on and I snagged it last week for only $.99!  Ive played quiet a bit and honestly, not ever even playing the platform versions, I can say that I am very impressed with the graphics and the controls on this game.  Since I can't compare two different Dead Spaces, Ill talk about only this one for iPad.

The weapons you start out with are the Plasma Saw and the Core Extractor.  You can also use telekinesis to pick up certain things and throw them at enemies and can enhance your weapons with Power Nodes that are picked up along the way. These are usually in lockers, drawers, or in enemies in which you receive after you kill them.  You also receive ammo and credits (money for the game) when you defeat enemies, and use these to buy amour, more ammo or better weapons.  

Im not sure how long this game is, but so far the levels seem similar in layout but still seems pretty good.  I heard this game is best using headphones which I havnt tried yet because none of my headphones seem to fit in my iPad. Maybe there are ones that are specifically for iPad? Figures! 

Here are some pictures and a video i found from YouTube the game:

The Apps Icon

An Enemy