Monday, May 9, 2011

Fishing Joy

Fishing Joy

For: iPad/iPod

Fishing Joy is a game that is based on Fishing.  But unlike fishing in real life (haha) its incredibaly addictive.  I like this game because it kind of reminds me of being at the casino.  The game starts out looking down at an ocean and slowly but surely, fish start appearing.  The main objective is to catch as many of these fish as possible.  The fish come in many different sizes and colors, and catching them is how you gain the points.  You don't use a fishing rod in this game. Instead, you used nets!  The nets are cast from the bottom of the screen and they come in 7 different sizes.  As you cast a net, the object is to catch as many as possible because that is how you gain the money you need to cast them.  Say you use the 3rd net.  This costs 3 coins.  If you cast this and you miss, or catch fish that equal less than 3, you are losing money.  There is a graph on the menu where you can see what fish equal the least and most amount of money.  The biggest fish in the game is the shark.  The only way you can catch the shark is shooting it with the laser specialty.  The only thing bad about this game is how that is the ONLY special weapon in the game and also, how long it takes to be able to use it.  It clears out the sharks along with everything in its path.  The levels go buy how many fish you catch.  At the end of every level though, you get a bonus round where catching fish is extremely easier. The sounds and the music go really well together, and its sort of like being at a casino by the way the points go and the money noises.  This game is good when your bored, because its time consuming and addictive. Id say the only bad thing would be how long it takes to advance (and the laser thing).

Here are some pictures from the game:

                                                                   The games' icon

                                                                  iPod Screen

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Dead Space HD

Dead Space HD

For: iPad/iPod (non HD)

You probably know Dead Space as a popular platform game on xBox, Ps3 and PC. But now, its on the iPad! This game was recently new within the past few months and the starting price was $9.99. I decided to wait until a sale went on and I snagged it last week for only $.99!  Ive played quiet a bit and honestly, not ever even playing the platform versions, I can say that I am very impressed with the graphics and the controls on this game.  Since I can't compare two different Dead Spaces, Ill talk about only this one for iPad.

The weapons you start out with are the Plasma Saw and the Core Extractor.  You can also use telekinesis to pick up certain things and throw them at enemies and can enhance your weapons with Power Nodes that are picked up along the way. These are usually in lockers, drawers, or in enemies in which you receive after you kill them.  You also receive ammo and credits (money for the game) when you defeat enemies, and use these to buy amour, more ammo or better weapons.  

Im not sure how long this game is, but so far the levels seem similar in layout but still seems pretty good.  I heard this game is best using headphones which I havnt tried yet because none of my headphones seem to fit in my iPad. Maybe there are ones that are specifically for iPad? Figures! 

Here are some pictures and a video i found from YouTube the game:

The Apps Icon

An Enemy

Friday, April 29, 2011

Pocket Ants

Pocket Ants

For: iPad/iPod

Pocket Ants is an app under the "Productive" section in the App Store.  I can understand why because its really not a game at all, and there really is no point.  The game pretty much consists of black and red ants, and you just distroy them!  I know it doesnt sound like its too much fun haha but it actually is a weird way to pass the time.  When you start up the application, you are staring at a sidewalk with one ant hill and a bunch of black ants.  If you want, you can select the "Ants" tab on the right and select how many ants you want, what type (red or black) and whether or not you want them to be aggressive or calm.  I like to choose both because they will fight if you have them on an agressive setting haha. At the bottom lists different options you can use on the ants.  As they are on the screen, all they really do is roam around so you have to stir them up with something!  

The first option at the bottom is a deadly magnifying glass.  I know it sounds terrible but when you have it selected and you tap an ant, it will fry it from the sun!  Think thats bad, try the rock option.  When you tap the screen with the rock option selected, a rock falls where you tapped and squishes the ants.  The ants will then work together to get the rock out of their ant hill area.  There is also a "bomb" option.  You can place a bomb anywhere on the screen, on ants or even their ant hill and it will blow it up!  There is also a strawberry and watermelon option.  When you chose one of them, the ants will quickly scurry up to it and eat it.  You also have an ant hill building option so if you kill all your ants you can bring some back.  With the passway option, you can draw a line or shape and the ants will flowing that line in single file.  You can also effect the weather on this app and see how the ants react based on their personalities.  There is also a magnit and a firework option where you can suck up the ants and then blow them up as they are all close together.  LOL

I know this app sounds weird and cruel but hey, its better then doing these things to real ants right?!
Its pretty cool to spend a few mins. on if you are waiting at a doctors office or something, just to pass the time. It is also pretty relaxing and stress relieving.  

Here are a few pictures from the App!

                                                     The magnifying glass on iPod Verison

                                                                  The Applictations Icon

                                          Small image, but this is where you choose your Ants.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Flick Golf

Flick Golf

For: iPod
This application is a golfing game for anyone who enjoys golf or a slow-steady paced game to pass the time.  I discovered it on the AppShopper App, and it caught my eye from all the high ratings.  I read about it, and it being only a dollar, I bought it.  I was disappointed because somehow I didnt relize it was for iPod only, but you can make the screen bigger on the iPad for iPod only games.  After I did that, it didnt even really make a difference so i am completely satified with it. 
This app is pretty additive and ever since I bought it and ive played it almost everyday.  When you load up the game, it takes you to the menu screen. Here you have several options to choose from.  Quickshot, World Tour, and Quickshot Pro.  (Also all of the settings, leaderboards and tutoral menu are displayed on this page as well, at the bottom.)  When you choose Quickshot, it takes you through several ranges to shoot at within a minutes time.  Each time youve gotten enough points, it lets you advance to the next map.  
The game itself is pretty easy.  Its called Flick golf because you literally "flick" the ball into the air with your finger tip.  The higher and/or faster you swipe, the further your golf ball will fly through the air.  While its in the air, you can also swipe left, right, up or down to help control where the ball may land.  The points are earned by how close you get your ball to the hole.  There are several rings around the hole and each stand for a different set of points.  (200pts. being the furthest away, and 500pts. being the closest)  If you do certain finger swipes while your ball is in the air, you will get bonuses that earn you more points, (such as curve or a top spin bonus) You have to be careful of the wind though too, it will knock your ball right out of your planned path.   
Now back to the menu.  The second option "World Tour" I would say is the main part of the game.  Right now, I am 33% complete this mode, and the only thing that is really different from "QuickShot" mode is that it is not timed, you have to win metals in order to advance, and its out of 9 shots.  If you dont make it you have to keep playing until youve earned enough points to advance.  And last but not least "QuickShot Pro" seems to be an adanced form of "Quickshot" but it needs to be unlocked somehow before I can view the courses.  
This game is relaxing and I hope you find it fun like me!

                                                                Clearview Lodge Range



Sunday, April 17, 2011



For: iPad/iPod

This application called YellowPages is exactly what it sounds like.  Its a simplified, straight-to-the-point phone book for your iPad.  Your location is automatically set when you turn on your iPad so when you look for a certain place, it knows what area to search around.  When the app starts, it takes you to the main "Search" page and at the top it lists your location and has a search bar where you can type in a place such as "chinese food" or "laundromat". You can search these from your location or set a custom one by typing in an address.  Say i type is "hair salon" set from current location. I then tap the search button and it brings up a list of hair salons closest to my exact area.  I find one that i reconize, as well as the closest (lists its address and mile away under each place as well as a star rating, if possible) "Scissor Wizards" says its 2.5 miles away but say I forget how to get there. When I tap it, it brings up its conplete address, phone number and a nice map where it is located.  It also has the ratings with comments in full veiw so you can see how other people like the place.  You can actually buy a navagator if you really wanted, straight from this app.  Im guessing when purchased and clicked, it would take you to another app or possibly change into a navagotor instantly.  That would be really cool but most of those you have to pay for.  This app was free and its definitly worth it.  If you arnt looking for a really specific place, the Seach page also has picture icons of different places or things to do. Some examples such as, a fork and knife (for food), a toothbrush (for dentists), a bag of mony (a bank) and a airplane (for an airport).  There is a bunch more, but when one of these are tapped, it brings up the closest place based on the suject icon you chose.  

I think this app is great to have if you are trying to find something.  It beats having a HUGE phone book handy all the time, and worrying about what county the phone book is from or if its outdated (this app covers EVERYWHERE)  Plus you dont have to squint your eyes to read fine print! Its great and id recommend it to anyone who has a phonebook!

                                                                        The Apps Icon

                                                                    Location Example

Saturday, April 16, 2011



For: iPad/iPod

IMDb is another great app for you movie lovers out there.  Of course you probably know the webpage, well this is an app based on that webpage, but simplified. 

When starting this app, you will notice its a lot like the webpage but minus a lot of the link stuff and filled with pictures.  Depending on how you are holding your iPad, horizontal or vertical, you will see the layout of the screen change.  I like holding it horizonal because that is when the mini side menu pops up and makes it easier to navagate around the app.  The menu list reads "Movies, TV and People each with links listed underneath such as "Showtimes", "Coming Soon", "US Box Office Results", "Top 250 movies", (plus about 10 more). The home screen of the app shows previews for new movies coming out soon along with "Top News", "Now Playing" and the "Most-Viewed Celebrities"  If you click one of the menu links, such as "Bottom 100 Films" it will list for you, the lowest rated movies by viewers in their entire database. If you click another option, say, "Celebrity News" it will give you updated and recent news about celebrites and what they have been getting themselves into.  This app also of course has a search bar and a browse button so you can look up information on any movie you are interested in.  Say if i wanted to look up information on the movie "District 9" (hehe one of my favs.) I would type "dictrict 9" in the search bar, and once just start typing in the search box, movies come up.  District 9 pops up and thats the movie i want so i click it.  It then takes me to a page where i can read all about the movie i just looked up.   Right away it tells me the year and the rating, length and type of movie.  The cover of the movie itself is the top picture and underneth is a slide bar that you can scroll through the actor and actreses photos from the movie.  It pretty much is almost the same as the webpage but a neater layout.  Youll have your box labeled "details" so you can read the "plot summery" or the "synopsis" then theres also sections for you to read quotes from the movie, movie mess-ups and trivia questions and facts.  I also like how it gives you a box to read reviews and the comentaries for the movies so you can see how good it is based on what others have thought.  I also like how it has the parental guide so parents can know whats in the movie that may be not good for their children to watch.  

So all in all, the IMBd app is probably one of the best and useful around.  It gives you everything you would want or need to know on a movie of chosing, or if you were just browsing, its really easy to discover a movie you may like.  Here are some pictures of the app itself.

                                                                      Main Screen

                                                                        Actor Info

The Icon

Saturday, April 9, 2011



For: iPad

This iPad App is for magazine lovers who'd rather have their favorite magazine easily access with just a touch of a finger! Zinio is a really neat way to save some money and hassle, plus who doesn't like a good read once in a while?

When starting this App, it takes you to a side-swipe menu of Zinios "Featured" magazines as well as another one of those bottom list menus. There is a total of 22 slides in the "Featured" section, each in which if you tap it, it shows you a brief few pages of the featured magazine you chose.  Another option in the bottom menu is the "Library".  When tapped, it shows you a list of the magazines you have purchased in this app.  They are organized by month and year so all your downloads are easily accessible.  When you get a new magazine, it will notify you by a red letter bubble over this "Library" option, of the number of new magazines are ready for download.  (It will also do this on your iPads home screen above the apps icon itself.)  When you tap on one of your magazines, it will show a full and complete page layout screen of the magazine.  Another reason this application is actually cool is because it gives you a free 3-month trial of any magazine you choose.  It gave me like 6 to choose from. Nothing to great though.  (Unless you like Cosmo ! hehe)
And of course the last option on the bottom menu is the "Shop" option.  This is where you can browse the magazines Zinio has to offer.  They are listed by catagory on the left hand side, and when tapped, more sub-catagories appear.  For Example:  "Art" is a catagory. when tapped, crafts, design, and photography popup as well. This is great because it narrows it down to exactly what you want.  If i click "Crafts" it takes me to a large icon list of the magazines you can get. If i tap "PieceWork" then it shows me a brief discription of the magazine and then the price.  Its pretty easy and self-explanatory and simple if you download and check it out yourself.  Im sure your favorite read is just  a click away!

Oh yeah and Zinio is also a website where apparently you can get books too? They may be those magazine/book combination things but who knows. Here is the webpage though if anyone is interested!:

                                                                            Zinios Icon

                                                          View of the "Library" option

Victorias Secret

Victorias Secret (App)

For: iPad

This app is another one for probably and hopefully just women! Its Victorias Secret! This app is a good one for women who love too shop and browse in the actual store plus, it has a feature where it allows you to order right from the app itself!  
When you start up the application,  it features a slow moving slideshow of Victoria's Secret latest commericals or other videos.  At the bottom, lists the menu.  It reads: "Home, VS All Access, Shop the Catalogue, Shop Online, Stores, Connect and More." 
So, Starting with the"VS All Access" part of the menu, when tapped, it takes you to a menu of "Features", "Supermodels", and "News and Events"  each with icons with pictures to go with each, so hese are videos pretty much based on these subjects.  When you tap "Shop the Catalogue", it takes you to a sidescroll list of the latest Victorias Secret shopping catalogues, based on different clothing.  (Example, such as Swim Wear, Makeup, and the Spring & Summer Sale).  When you tap on one, it loads that catalogue onto the screen and you can scroll threw it like its real.  While browsing these, you can tap a certain peice of clothing and it will take you onto their website where you can order it or add it to your shopping bag.   The "Shop Online" option in the menu when tapped, takes you right to the home page of Victorias Secret website. From there, you can browse and shop however way you please. The "Stores" menu option brings you to the world map and pin points the closest Victorias Secret to where you and your iPad are located.  That was pretty cool I thought!  Anyway, the "Connect" menu option takes you to a screen where it allows you to "share stories in this app" with your friends, by connecting yourself to Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, or iPhone.  And Last but not least.. the "More" option give gives a paragraph stating the Privacy and Secruity, Sites Terms & Notices, and the "California Privacy".  probably just because it has to list them.  
I feel like this app is a really neat way of shopping.  Its amazing that I not only dont have to go to an actual store to shop, but now I dont even have to be on a computer, in doors, while i shop! haha. Shopping from an iPad is definitly shopping from the future to me.  I dont order much online, but it would be real neat to try it from an iPad. I really like Victoria's Secret regardless of how expensive they can be lol, I like to treat myself once in a while with something nice from that store.  

Here are some pictures!

                                                                        The Apps Icon

                                                                   VS All Access Screen

                                                                    The Home menu

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Friendly: For Facebook

Friendly: For Facebook

For: iPad

Here is an app that is pretty self-explanatory if you have a Facebook!   This application called Friendly: For Facebook is a handy way to view your Facebook without having to go through an internet browser to get to it.  It also remembers your log-in, but it won't LEAVE you logged in, so in this case you name won't be visible for everyone to see while ur not on the app.  This is alot better than just going to because from the ipad or a phone, you normally can not use the chat feature but on the iPad, you can.   The layout is pretty much the same though between then website and this application but the difference is that its more user friendly and faster.   With the click of a button, you can go to your settings or upload a picture with no problem, instead of having to click through certain menus on the Facebook page, or look for the picture in a file on your computer, its much more fast and easy from this ipad application. You can also customize how it looks with different colors and font sizes, which it makes it easy for anyone to read and enjoy this app.  

I also love how you can browse the internet while on Friendly:For Facebook, with just a single tap of a finger.  No need to double click the iPads circular button to use the multitask feature,  on Friendly, you can easly tap the button with the little "g" on it to go directly to and from there, you can navagate to a different website.  

I really like this app because its a lot more clean cut and to-the-point then going to Facebooks webpage.  Friendly makes it fast and easy to check my Facebook and also makes it a lot funner too!  I have heard about many new apps for Facebook, but this is probably my best choice!

Here are some pictures of Friendly:
The Apps Icon

                                                                  Friendly's Layout

Friday, April 1, 2011

The Betty Crocker Cookbook

The Betty Crocker Cookbook

For: iPad

The application I am going to cover today is The Betty Crocker Cookbook.  I really like this app because it is a cookbook, but not an actually book where you would have to run through the pages looking for your recipe, plus you can easily find what you are looking for simply by ingredient and/or keyword.  This app makes cooking an easy task and fun too!  When you open the app, it shows the title page along with a search bar, a search by ingredient, and a "Surprise Me!" button at the top.  The "Surprise Me!" button is for if you are feeling spontanious, simply do not know what to make for a meal or are just browsing. Then, it quicky takes you too a random recipe and you go from there. 
At the bottom of the title page, there are buttons labeled "Search, Browse, and Favorites". The search button is the general search which I mentioned above, but the browsing option is probably my number one choice when it comes to looking for a recipe because it gives you the widest range possible of recipes from your wanted category.  It reads with picture icons the different categories of the food recipes.  Ones such as Appetizers, Desserts, Dressings, Frostings, Breads Sauces and Soups, plus much, much more.  They are all listed in alphabetical order too which makes it easy to navigate.    The favorite button is of course lists the recipes that  you want to keep and make later so you can easy find it with one tap of a finger. 
I think this app is great for anyone who doesnt want to dig for that old cookbook in kitchen drawer, but you might not want to use the ipad while cooking because it will get messy :( lol

Here are some pictures!
                                                                    The Search Page

                                                                          A Recipe

                                                                         The Apps Icon

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Superfood HD

Superfood HD

For: iPad

This next application is an informative one.  Its about foods that hold powerful nutrients that can help restore your immune system, youth, and wearing off sicknesses, a.k.a "Superfood".  Superfood HD is for iPad and is basically a cool little app with a list of different and interesting foods that are extremely good for the human body.  
It starts with a simple list of foods in alphabetical order, along with a picture to go along.  The first one in the list is "Aloe Vera" .  If you are interested in Aloe Vera, you would tap the name and its picture and the "page" will flip and bring you to a paragraph of information about Aloe.  This includes such things like what it looks like, what it's used for, and where it came from.   After you have read the little bit of information, you have an option to click on a little picture of a wooden square that labels, "Recipes and Info".  When you click on this, the page then flips over again to a new page that lists recipes (for aloe, drinks such as Aloe smoothies), its nutrition (for aloe, vitamin c, B-12, Germanium and EFA's) as well as its health benifits (for aloe,  things such as Cleansing, Heart, and Wounds are listed). All of these things are able to be clicked on an read about.  If i click "EFA's which is a nutrient in Aloe, it tells me exactly what it is ( it helps cells function properly). If i go back and click one of the health benifits such as "Cleansing" it tells you how it is used to cleanse your body. ( Aloe being slippery, assists in cases of constipation as well as a detox of the body and bloodstream)  Aloe is an amazing plant and its amazing how it can be so good for the body. With aloe being first on the list, there is also many more superfoods that are the same. 
Here are several more:
Hemp Seeds
Goji Berries
Sea Vegetables
& much more!
                                          What I like most about this App is that it can teach you things about foods that you may have never known.  I like to read and learn new recipes on things that can help me live longer and to the fullest.  

Recipes for Blueberries

                                                                        List of Foods

                                                                     Information Page


Thursday, March 24, 2011



For: iPad/iPod

NPolls is an application that isn't a game or tool, but a way to voice your opinion with a touch of a finger.  NPolls is a small, simple App but its good because you actually get rewarded for your answers.  I found this on the AppShopper App and im the type of person who likes survey taking and being able to express my feelings towards certain subjects.  It keeps me productive and lets me know what other people with iPads and iPods across the counrty think on these subjects as well.  

When you start up this app, the title screen quickly switches to the "What's New and Hot" tab which lists the most updated News, Polls and Results from the polls in order in which they came.  At the bottom of the screen lists all the tabs you can explore in the app.  "News" is first which basically just takes you to the "Whats New and Hot"  tab again, the next tab is the "Polls" tab which even before you click, it labels itself with a number of available polls for you to take.  The polls close after so many people reply to them so you have to be fast if you want to answer it.  The polls are on almost everything from "Do you enjoy your job" and "What are your eatting habits" to "Extraterrestrail Life" and "Human Rights".  Each feature a list of questions, with some more than others, and to answer, you just read the question and tap the answer or answers you think apply.  The "Results" tab shows you the polls that have been taken and completed either by you or you with the rest of the country.  This is pretty neat because you get to see your answers and opinions compared to everyone elses.  This app is also cool because you can also make your own poll.  Im not sure how this works because I havnt tried this out yet but it seems that you can make an entire poll yourself and release it to the public if you wanted.  I dont even know what Id make one about personally, but if i think of one I might one day want to try this out.

The best part about NPolls is that you get rewarded for every poll you take. With each poll, you win $.10 for your paypal account.  (50 Polls needed to recieve it, which is $10, in paypall money)  WHICH i actually didnt know or else i probably wouldnt have been this involved with this app. I thought it was going to be iTunes money plus i dont even have a PayPal account lol so its pointless everytime I answer these polls but its still fun.

Some Pictures of the App: 

                                                                        NPolls Icon

                                                                 The Question Screen

                                                                  The Result Screen

Monday, March 14, 2011

Fish Gaurdian

Fish Gaurdian

For: iPad/iPod

This application is a game that is very addictive.  Its called Fish Gaurdian.  Have any of you ever played a game online called "Insanaquarium"?  Its pretty much exactly the same as the game but with different fish, enemys and rewards. 

Here is the link to the web game Insanquarium:

Its a very highly addictive and highly rated game.  It will definitly make a few hours fly by.  

The game Fish Gaurdian however, is just as entertaining.  Its great because you can carry it around on a portable device instead of using a computer.   The game pretty much starts out as a fish tank with one fish.   You have food and you feed this fish until it gets big enough to start popping out coins or diamonds (depending on the fish)  which you click for money.  Each level goes like this but before you begin, you pick your fish, your fishes food, another fish buddy powerup guy to help you (such as picking up ur coins, or feeding your fish for you), and a weapon that can kill the alien fish when they come to attack your tank!  The alien fish come every so often and if you don't kill them first they will kill ur fish.  Each time you kill the aliens you are safe again but as each level progresses, they aliens get harder and harder.  Thats why also as you progress in the game, you unlock better fish, better powerup buddies, better food and way better weapons for the alien fish.  So as your fish tank gets more populated.. (buying lots of fish) you can also use your money for buying better food, more than just one pellet at a time,  extra powerups for the fish buddies and making your weapon more accurate.  I really like this game alot because its addictive in such a weird way.  To win you have to collect a bunch of money and buy the treasure chest 3 times which advances you to the next round!

Its super fun, you gotta try it!

Here are some pictures

 Title Screen
Screen Shot

Saturday, March 12, 2011



For: iPad

With the iPad 2 just being released, a lot of applications are on sale this week as well as new ones being released.  Most are games but here is an app that is great for new iPad users and those who just want to know a little bit more about what it has to offer.  The app is called AppStart and its free of charge.  Its pretty clean and simple with its layout. Basically there are three pages of icons with titles you can choose from with different catagories on the iPad.  It starts out with a welcome message at the top and then of course "The First Ten Apps Everyone Needs to Download" and "The iPad 101".  These feature brief information on tips, tricks and tools of the iPad itself.   Underneath these titles though are icons that take you to the most helpful applications released in the ipad store.  Each are seperated by catagory and include pictures and what they do.  For example, when I click the icon that says "Personal Assistant" it takes me over to a screen titled "iPad Apps To Keep You Organized'' and it lists apps that are good for organization skills along with its icon and price.  Also, if I decided I wanted one of the listed apps, I can click the price and it takes me right to the app store.  
Some other titles in the app that are useful are "Plan an Event", "Plan a Trip", "Stay Social", "The Portable Arcade", "Games for Non-Gamers", "Home Theater", "Radio of Your Dreams", "Magazine Rack", along with a whole other two pages to click on full of icons, that can lead you to the perfect application you are looking for.   

I really like this app and I think its truly helpful.  I wish it was new when I first got my ipad because the iPad didnt come with an "instruction booklet" (not that it really needed to), but at the same time, this app features some pretty important stuff if you want to make the most out of your shiney new toy ;) so read up and get smart on the iPad!

Some Pitures:

The AppStart App Icon 

Two of the Icon Screens

Monday, March 7, 2011

Vevo HD

Vevo HD

For: iPad/iPod

How many of you love music?  I'm sure a lot of people also like to see the music videos to their favorite songs. Thats why there is an application that can do just that!  Its called Vevo.  On iPad its Vevo HD which makes it even better.  When you start up the app, it takes you to the "Featured" screen that shows slides of pictures of featured artists, along with a "Watch Now" button. This makes it quick and easy to see the most popular videos in basically one tap of a finger.  Underneath that is a list of featured videos which thumbnail pictures of the artist in the video.  These videos are also some of the most popular songs in I'd say, the past month.   On the top however, there is a search bar in which you can use to search any artist you want.  If you are not looking for a certain artist, you can navigate from the bottom of the screen on the menu.  You can click Artists, Playlists, Videos, Music Map and History.   The music map thing is pretty cool because it shows you what videos are being watched around you, according to your location.  The History tab is also pretty helpful because it stores the videos you have recently watched incase you want to watch them soon again.  
I find this app not only entertaining, but helpful and organized by its layout.  Its pretty simple, and I guess my entry was more basic than I thought it would be, but It is a great application for music lovers and I am glad I found it.

Vevo is also a website:

A few screen shots:

                                           The Main Featured Artist Screen

                                           The Main Selection Screen

                                           The Map Viewer Screen

Saturday, March 5, 2011



For: iPad/iPod

Hello! This weeks first application is actually for women only.  Its called Makeovr (without an e)I found this one in the AppShopper application.  It's for women because what it does is give you a makeover from a picture you upload, so you can see what you look like with different and stylish looks.  For example, you can upload a picture and do several things with it.  One option is cosmetics, another is hairstyle and color, and there is also one that will show you what you would look like with a tan or if you were completely pale.  What I like best about this App is the other options it lets you select.  Instead of doing a makeover on yourself, you can actually upload a picture and it shows you what you would look like as an old lady or you can choose a different option and you can see a picture of yourself with extreme weightloss, or weightgain.  Its pretty funny, and when I did it, it wasnt perfect of course but it was good just for entertainment value.   I think this App is a good one though because who wouldnt want to see what they look like covered in a new makeup or hairstyle? Its great because it gives you an idea of what colors or style you would look the best in.   Oh yeah! There is also a Dress part where you upload a bodysized photo of yourself and you can choose and try on different dresses.   This would be great to use to find the best dress for you, without feeling bad if you dont fit in the real thing. lol

Here is a picture or two of the App..

The Menu


                                                              The Cosmetic Section

                                                                 The weight Section

And Makeovr isnt just an App!  The different sections of things on this App also have thier own websites.



Have Fun!