Sunday, April 17, 2011



For: iPad/iPod

This application called YellowPages is exactly what it sounds like.  Its a simplified, straight-to-the-point phone book for your iPad.  Your location is automatically set when you turn on your iPad so when you look for a certain place, it knows what area to search around.  When the app starts, it takes you to the main "Search" page and at the top it lists your location and has a search bar where you can type in a place such as "chinese food" or "laundromat". You can search these from your location or set a custom one by typing in an address.  Say i type is "hair salon" set from current location. I then tap the search button and it brings up a list of hair salons closest to my exact area.  I find one that i reconize, as well as the closest (lists its address and mile away under each place as well as a star rating, if possible) "Scissor Wizards" says its 2.5 miles away but say I forget how to get there. When I tap it, it brings up its conplete address, phone number and a nice map where it is located.  It also has the ratings with comments in full veiw so you can see how other people like the place.  You can actually buy a navagator if you really wanted, straight from this app.  Im guessing when purchased and clicked, it would take you to another app or possibly change into a navagotor instantly.  That would be really cool but most of those you have to pay for.  This app was free and its definitly worth it.  If you arnt looking for a really specific place, the Seach page also has picture icons of different places or things to do. Some examples such as, a fork and knife (for food), a toothbrush (for dentists), a bag of mony (a bank) and a airplane (for an airport).  There is a bunch more, but when one of these are tapped, it brings up the closest place based on the suject icon you chose.  

I think this app is great to have if you are trying to find something.  It beats having a HUGE phone book handy all the time, and worrying about what county the phone book is from or if its outdated (this app covers EVERYWHERE)  Plus you dont have to squint your eyes to read fine print! Its great and id recommend it to anyone who has a phonebook!

                                                                        The Apps Icon

                                                                    Location Example

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