For: iPad
This iPad App is for magazine lovers who'd rather have their favorite magazine easily access with just a touch of a finger! Zinio is a really neat way to save some money and hassle, plus who doesn't like a good read once in a while?
When starting this App, it takes you to a side-swipe menu of Zinios "Featured" magazines as well as another one of those bottom list menus. There is a total of 22 slides in the "Featured" section, each in which if you tap it, it shows you a brief few pages of the featured magazine you chose. Another option in the bottom menu is the "Library". When tapped, it shows you a list of the magazines you have purchased in this app. They are organized by month and year so all your downloads are easily accessible. When you get a new magazine, it will notify you by a red letter bubble over this "Library" option, of the number of new magazines are ready for download. (It will also do this on your iPads home screen above the apps icon itself.) When you tap on one of your magazines, it will show a full and complete page layout screen of the magazine. Another reason this application is actually cool is because it gives you a free 3-month trial of any magazine you choose. It gave me like 6 to choose from. Nothing to great though. (Unless you like Cosmo ! hehe)
And of course the last option on the bottom menu is the "Shop" option. This is where you can browse the magazines Zinio has to offer. They are listed by catagory on the left hand side, and when tapped, more sub-catagories appear. For Example: "Art" is a catagory. when tapped, crafts, design, and photography popup as well. This is great because it narrows it down to exactly what you want. If i click "Crafts" it takes me to a large icon list of the magazines you can get. If i tap "PieceWork" then it shows me a brief discription of the magazine and then the price. Its pretty easy and self-explanatory and simple if you download and check it out yourself. Im sure your favorite read is just a click away!Oh yeah and Zinio is also a website where apparently you can get books too? They may be those magazine/book combination things but who knows. Here is the webpage though if anyone is interested!:
Zinios Icon
View of the "Library" option
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